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Pregnancy is an important stage in every woman's life. However, pregnancy is often accompanied by the discomfort of morning sickness, which brings troubles to expectant mothers. However, there is a simple and effective way to relieve morning sickness and that is to drink sparkling water. Sparkling water not only relieves the symptoms of morning sickness, but also has many other benefits that are very beneficial to the health of expectant mothers.

Sparkling water

First of all, the acidic properties of sparkling water can dilute overly acidic gastric acid, thereby relieving gastric discomfort

Due to hormonal changes and increased pressure on the gastrointestinal tract during pregnancy, it is easy to have excess gastric acid, leading to morning sickness. Drinking sparkling water can neutralize gastric acid and reduce stomach discomfort, making expectant mothers feel more comfortable.

Secondly, sparkling water can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and help digest food

Due to the effects of hormones during pregnancy, gastrointestinal motility may become slower, causing indigestion and stomach discomfort. Drinking sparkling water can stimulate gastrointestinal motility, promote the digestion and absorption of food, and help expectant mothers fully supplement the various nutrients needed by the body.

In addition, drinking sparkling water has other health benefits for expectant mothers

Sparkling water can help control blood sugar levels and reduce insulin resistance, thereby alleviating the occurrence of gestational diabetes. At the same time, sparkling water can also increase metabolism, help expectant mothers control weight gain, and make postpartum recovery faster.

Research also shows that pregnant women who drink sparkling water for a long time slow down their weight gain and do not gain unlimited weight. This is because sparkling water increases metabolism and helps expectant mothers better control their weight. This is very beneficial for health management during pregnancy and postpartum body recovery.

In addition to its pregnancy benefits, the co2 soda machine also brings enjoyable drink options to the whole family. Whether at family gatherings, parties or in daily life, co2 soda machine can provide you with refreshing sparkling water enjoyment. You can choose different flavors and add-ons according to your personal taste preferences to create your own sparkling water. Expectant mothers can also drink an appropriate amount of sparkling water during pregnancy to make pregnancy more comfortable and healthy. Of course, Hongfeng reminds you that when drinking sparkling water, you should also pay attention to the appropriate amount to avoid unnecessary burden on the body caused by excessive drinking.